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EmblemeEmblem 45. Of the Secrets of Nature.

The workework is perfected by Sol and his shade.

Engraved by Verovio 2.1.0-dev-[undefined] Pomum morans. Hippom. sequens. Atalanta fugiens. SOL, fax SOL, SOL, fax cla cla ra po fax cla ra po ra po li, non li, non li, non cor po ra cor po ra den sa, 4 cor po ra den sa, non non cor po den sa pe cor po ra den ra den sa trat, Hinc sa pe pe trat, Hinc 7 il li ad trat, Hinc il li il li ad ver sis ad ver sis ver sis par ti par ti bus par ti bus um bus um bra 10 um bra ma bra ma ma net: net: net: Vi li or Vi Vi li or haec re li or haec re haec re bus quam 14 bus quam bus quam vis est om vis est om ni bus, vis est ni bus, quam quam vis est om ni bus, vis est om ni om ni bus, u su At bus, u u su At 18 ta men A su At ta men ta men A stro no mis A stro no stro no mis com com mo da mis com mo da mo da mul ta 21 mul ta tu mul ta tu tu lit: lit: lit: Plu ra So Plu Plu ra So phis sed ra So phis sed phis sed do na 25 do na de do na de dit Sol, de dit Sol, e jus, dit SOL, e jus, de de dit SOL, e jus et dit SOL, e jus e jus et um bra, Au et um um bra, Au 29 ri fe rae bra, Au ri fe rae ri fe rae quo quo ni am quo ni am ni am per fi per fi cit per fi cit ar cit ar tis 32 ar tis o tis o o pus. pus. pus.

EpigrammeEpigram 45.

The SunneSun noeno bodyesbodies dense can penetrate,
And soeso the adverse parts a shade create:
Which, though it be of all things least settset by,
Is much conducing to Astronomy;
But more to th'the Sophi are the SunneSun and shade,
Because they perfect the auriferous trade.

Discourse 45.

As in a round or SphericallSpherical Palace, a fire kindled in one place illustrates
the parts above and below round about all the walls, except those, where
a table or the like standing in the midlemiddle may by its objection and inter=
position impede, and admittadmit a darkedark shadow; SoeSo allsoalso the SunneSun being -
placed in that great Palace or carved theater of the heaven dosdoes by its -
rayesrays illuminate every concavity of heaven, the bodyesbodies containdcontained therein
which are diaphanous and receptive of light, that is, all starrsstars whatsoever,
both erratickeerratic and fixed, except where the density of the earth in the -
midlemiddle may prohibit: For there a blackeblack and darkedark shadow, which is called
night, continues soeso long, till it be driven away by the præsencepresence of -
the SunneSun, and light established and made conspicuous in steadinstead thereof:
A shadow therefore and night is the privation or absence (as day on the -
contrary is the irradiation and circumfusion) of the Solar light. A shadow
is that which cannot endure the aspect of the SunneSun, and therefore -
avoydsavoids and absconds itselfeitself sometimes in this sometimes in that part of
the earth, as the SunneSun is in opposition. The SunneSun and shadow never
saw themselves together, though, if nature would admittadmit, they might in
every moment, but the SunneSun considering her as an enemy to himselfehimself,
allwayesalways pursues her flying, and can never take her weary, as Buchanan *

in his bookebook of Spheres in
geniously hathhas declared: For imitation and -
example of that great SunneSun, and shadow thereof, the Philosophers have
observed that their SunneSun hathhas allsoalso a blackeblack, cloudy, and flying Shadow:
Hereupon SaythSays Hermes, My SonneSon! take from the ray its shadow, that is,
see that you bring your SunneSun round about the primum mobile, of -
which Vulcan is made overseer, that even that part of your Earth, which
is now covered with a shady night, may obtaineobtain the clear light of the -
SunneSun: for if the whole Firmament of the heaven with all things con=
tained were not every naturallnatural day, that is, in twenty four houreshours alltogetheraltogether
circumvolved by the first motion, but the SunneSun onelyonly moved by its owneown
(calldcalled the second and annuallannual) motion, it would happen that they, which
are Antipodes below us, would for the Space of allmostalmost six monethsmonths have
a night, and weewe a day, and afterwards on the contrary they a day and -
weewe a night; soeso that the whole year would consist of one night and -
day, as now these courses are by experience and reason confirmed to be -
most true under both the Poles: But it seemdseemed farrefar otherwise to divine provi=
dence, which therefore hathhas ordained two motions of the Planets, the first
and second, and soeso distributed the year into many dayesdays:


Discourse 45.

Now that sha=
dow and SunneSun doedo together make day and night, which the SunneSun by
itselfeitself alone could not effect, whose property it is to illuminate all opposite
places and bodyesbodies, but not make a shadow, except accidentally by his absence:
SoeSo allsoalso the PhilosophicallPhilosophical SunneSun dosdoes with its shadow make a day, that
is, light and night or darkenessedarkness, namely Latona or Magnesia, whose -
Shadow Democritus teachethteaches, as appears in the third bookebook of his -
Golden table at the beginingbeginning, must be extinguished and consumed by a fiery
medicine. The utility of shadows in AstronomicallAstronomical affairs is soeso great, that -
without them that Science can scarce be perfected; Chymists doedo allsoalso ascribe
it to their shadows, that their art comes to perfection; for what is this SunneSun -
without a shadow? As a clapper without a bell: That indeed makes the first
motion to a sound, but this gives the sound; that is the quill, this the instru=
ment; that the tongue, this the great mouth: A shadow is a most contemptible
thing, not next to a Being, soeso allsoalso the Philosophers shadow is a thing -
blackeblack blacker than blackeblack, as they termeterm it, or of lesseless esteem than weeds, -
not in respect of itselfeitself, but the opinion of men and plenty; What more -
coḿodiouscommodious than fire, what more pretiousprecious than water, what more amiable -
than earth, which yeildsyields flowers and all amiable things, what more plea=
sant than aireair, which being restraindrestrained and obstructed, all things cease to be
pleasant? Yet neverthelessenevertheless, because they are exposdexposed to mens uses in their
large Spheres, they are esteemed most vile, by a præposterouspreposterous imagination: -
SoeSo allsoalso is both the common and PhilosophicallPhilosophical shadow undervalued; They -
that live long in subterranean shadows, if brought suddenly to the clear -
light of the SunneSun, doedo looselose their eye=-sighteysesight; SoeSo they that reside and
operate in the PhilosophicallPhilosophical shadow alone, and doedo not joynejoin the -
SunneSun with it, are deprived of judgementjudgment and the sight of the mind, and
frustrated of the effect: The cœlestiallcelestial SunneSun being elevated upon the -
South there is greater heat and lesseless shadow; soeso allsoalso here heat being in=
creased the shadow is diminished, and on the contrary; WeeWe must there=
fore begin the SunneSun being from the meridionallmeridional side bending itselfeitself-
againeagain to the top of our head, in CapricorneCapricorn; and the first operation will -
be even finished at Aries, then begins the womens workework, even to Leo; -
and afterwards labourlabor proceeds from labourlabor, till the year take the tayletail
with the head, as a Snake, that is to say, is completed . . . . . . .
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